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Loss of Certificate of Authenticity




To prevent loss or being misplaced, LeCarington recommends putting your CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY (hereby known as; COA) in a safe place such as a security box, safe or vault.

If the buyer (hereby known as Arte Collector); has lost / misplaced their COA, LeCaringon will require a valid

picture ID such as: driver’s license and/or passport with your name, address and date of birth validating your identity. Your original COA number will be voided and a new COA number will be re-issued.  The new COA will be mailed to address given on the original REGISTRATION FORM. If the address has since changed, the Arte Collector will need to revise the REGISTRATION FORM with the updated information.

Any questions regarding LOSS/MISPLACED COA, please email the Concierge Department at:  or call: 1-(844) THE- ARTE (United States Only) or 1-(917) 7155252 (International ).