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Fashion History


LeCarington Makes Histoy


In fashion history, couture leaders have experienced parallels in their successes.

Each recognized leader created a mark that became part of their legacy; noted for trendsetting a new product or concept into the marketplace. The couture leaders revolutionized fashion by filling a void, forever changing the direction it then proceeded.

Through the ages, women have relied on designers of fashion to inspire what would be hanging in their closets. The LeCarington Arte Handbag Collections were conceived to change the direction of accessories in the couture marketplace.  From boardroom to ballroom; LeCarington sets a new mark bridging the gap between minaudière evening handbags and larger day handbags. 

“Accessories are meant to be the conversation piece to ones’ wardrobe. A woman cannot be fully dressed without extraordinary accessories,” states Ms. Carington. Opulence meets the eye with the indulgence of need, hence the birth of LeCarington International.